Top 7 Online Stores Where To Buy CBD In Canada

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If you are on the path to finding reliable and good online sites to buy CBD in Canada then look no further. The following is a list based on our research and knowledge of the industry. These links below are not paid promotional links and real honest reviews by the author of the article.

In the following article, we will look at the top 7 online sites to buy CBD, but we will certainly let you know the following are not authorized retailers here in Canada. Due to Canada’s harsh stance on CBD products, CBD is actually part of the Cannabis Act and must be treated like any other THC product. There is a significant unauthorized market here in Canada due to this reason. In the United States, CBD is treated very differently and you can walk into almost any store and buy CBD. Here in Canada, you must be a licensed producer as well as authorized by the province in which you are selling it.

If you prefer to choose the legal route then you can check out our other article showing you all the legal paths to purchase CBD in Canada.

#1 – CBD Oil Canada

Located on the West Coast of Canada CBD Oil Canada has been in business for many years operating in the open. They are strictly e-commerce based and based on their google reviews they have an excellent track record for keeping up on customer satisfaction.

When CBD OIL Canada originally started out it had a heavy selection of THC products and within the last 2 years, they seemed to switch its business model to support mainly hemp-derived CBD products. The one thing we really appreciate is that they list the lab results of some of the brands that they carry. We believe that all online retailers should be doing this and if they do not then support a company that has this attention to detail.

CBD Oil Canada has what we believe is a house brand that they themselves manufacture called Honest Botanicals. From all reviews, we could find it seems to be a good product with good results.

They are a significant online source of CBD products and we appreciate that they have a good selection of CBD Oil Tinctures, CBD Oil For Dogs, CBD Gummies & CBD Creams. In past years they also used to offer CBD vape products including CBD Vape Eliquid but we cannot seem to notice it on their site anymore.

If you are looking to purchase with them they only support email money transfers and have never had the option of credit card processing such as Visa or MasterCard. They have been in business long enough that you should be able to trust them but it’s always buyer beware when it comes to a payment method that you have no control over after you send payment.

CBD Oil Canada has been supporting many local brands such as Mary & Wanda, Daily Remedy, Twisted Extracts, Creating Brighter Days, Boost CBD, and so on. They are very heavy on CBD products created in Canada. Finding where to buy CBD in Canada can be easy from these guys.

where to buy CBD in canada
CBD OIL Canada Review


CBD North is no newcomer to Canada but they seemed to change their domain name in 2022 which leads us to believe they might have had their previous domain name seized by Canadian officials. CBD north has been around since 2019 which is a good amount of time for them to build a decent following of customers.

CBD North is different than other retailers due to the fact they seem to be the manufacturer or at least they get their products white labeled.

CBD North has a pretty impressive product range including CBD Oils which you also have the choice of Isolate CBD, Full Spectrum CBD & CBN which are often used for people with sleep issues. They have a wide range of topical CBD products such as creams and pain rollers. They have a few CBD gummies but not a huge selection of them. They also cater to pet owners by offering CBD oil for cats and CBD oil for dogs and also have some CBD dog treats. If you search for where to buy CBD in Canada then check them out.

One more interesting thing that CBD North does that many do not offer is a CBD Assistance program. It’s a program that essentially gives you 45% for people who are low income, Long-Term Disability Status, Post-Secondary Students, Teachers, Military/Veterans, Seniors, Firefighters, Doctors, Nurses, and a few more classifications. This is a very interesting way to give back and much appreciation goes to them for recognizing those classifications.

They have a very in-depth review section on their website which has almost 5000 reviews but we could not find any third-party reviews such as Google reviews to share. To ensure this was a legitimate company we reached out to a few Reddit posts to verify them which have been able to do.

CBD North Reddit Review

Reddit Review CBD NORTH

#3 – Birch and Fog

I do not think you can get away with a top 7 list of where to buy CBD in Canada without talking about Birch and Fog. They have been around in the Canadian market for longer than most. They started out mostly selling THC products but changed their business model years ago to start including CBD products derived from Cannabis but also CBD derived from Hemp. If you are looking for both options then they likely have you covered.

Birch and Fog as we said is a pretty significant player in the Canadian market and their selection goes to show that as well. They have categories of products for anyone looking for CBD products.

There is no doubt about the legitimacy of their business but like others, they are operating in the gray area of the CBD market.

Birch and Fog also deal with a significant amount of CBD manufacturers from Canada which we also enjoy, this is something we also really enjoyed about CBD OIL CANADA.

The website user friendliness would be our only critique as it’s not as user-friendly as some of their competitors.

One other thing we are very much impressed about is the social engagement they play on social media. They have an Instagram following and as long as they are all “real” people, they stand at an impressive 33,000 followers. Not too shabby at all!

Birch and Fog Instagram

#4 – CBD Canada | CBDexpressHQ

CBDexpressHQ is certainly a favorite when we are trying to think of the top 7 online sites in Canada. Unlike the previous sites, we have mentioned above CBDexpressHQ caters to many products brought over the border from the USA.

Depending if you prefer Canadian products or USA products, this might influence your decision. We find that USA products are just as superior if not more superior due to the open market in the USA. Many of the companies in the USA have had the ability of a free market for a longer period of time which brings pricing down considerably depending on the product of choice.

CBDexpressHQ has a heavy product offering of CBDfx which is a leading CBD manufacturer in the USA and for good reason. They have a significant product offering across many categories of CBD products which include but not limited to CBD gummies, CBD vapes, CBD Lotions, CBD creams, and so on. If you are asking where to buy CBD products in Canada, don’t pass by this opportunity.

One thing we like about CBDexpressHQ is that many of their products have a quantity purchase option which means the more you buy of a single product the higher your discount will be on that particular product. This is great for someone who knows exactly what they want so they can secure a deal on a few at a time.

They offer Express overnight shipping in Canada wide but the limitation is that they only offer Email Money Transfers. Due to the nature of the CBD business in Canada, many credit card processing companies will not support an unregulated CBD site, so this is not overly out of the norm.

CBDfx products are among the best to acquire lab reports from. If you are looking for top-quality products then CBDfx should be a great choice for you.

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CBDExpressHQ Site

#5 Plant Of Life

A newcomer to the scene, Plant of Life has simply blown up. We first saw them and introduced to them when they brought Disposible CBD Vape pens here to Canada. The quality of those first products were truly amazing and the marketing and professionalism that accompanied their products were second to none.

Since that time Plant Of Life has stepped out into many other CBD product categories which include CBD Gummies, CBD Tinctures (Full spectrum, THC Free), CBD for pets, CBD Topicals and more.

Plant of life has a great refer a friend program by giving 10% off and getting 10$.

They have a really unique and interesting initiative as well which they plant a tree for every plant sold. With a company name like plant of life they are sure fulfilling that name.

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We all give a big Kudos to plant of life for having a dedicated section for all their lab reports. While the page is buried and harder to find, we still appreciate them doing the good work of getting all products tested. Most consumers nowadays should have access to this information. You can find the Lab Reports Here. If plant of life is reading this post we would suggest you link all of your products to your lab report page, per product that’s being tested, this would be a significant help to your customers.

#6 – Happy Bear Edibles

Happy Bears Edibles is a site we have known about for years and for good reason. They have a very good following of users Canada-wide and really are very much competitive in the market. The business model seems to be either they manufacture the products or they are getting them white labeled.

Regardless of where they are being manufactured you simply cannot beat the prices on which they are offering CBD products.

One thing you might really like about Happy Bear Edibles is they have integrated into VISA/MASTERCARD as well, something that other CBD sites cannot or do not offer currently.

The one critique we have about Happy Bear Edibles is the website is sort of clunky and not the most attractive to navigate. We notice that they do have lab reports for some products, linked directly from the product, and then other products which do not have lab reports. There really needs to be consistency throughout the website.

Nonetheless, the product offerings are some of the best at Happy Bear Edibles vs many of the other we have found. While the product categories are much of the same they do have a few more product categories the other sites lack and more options within those similar product categories as well.

Happy Bear Edibles are having deals and discounts. They also have an ongoing discount program for seniors which we can also appreciate.

Happy Bear Edibles
Happy Bear Edibles

#7 – CBD Magic

CBD Magic would be the last online source to make our top 7 list. CBD magic certainly has a presence in Canada and we have noticed they do a significant amount of advertising and promotion which leads us to believe they are a very large business. At CBD Magic you will find they either manufacture or white label all of their own products.

They seem to market directly to consumers experiencing certain ailments and their website reinforces this by allowing customers to make product choices based on those ailments. They have a pretty in-depth product offering such as topicals(creams, lotions, sticks), CBD gummies, CBD Oil Tinctures, and CBD For Dogs & Cats.

CBD Magic also has very competitive deals, purchased at the right time and you can get 50% off and/or free shipping Canada-wide. They also have a chat button on their site so you can get live answers based on any pre-order questions that you might have.

They additionally have a wholesale partnership if you were interested in starting your own CBD business. They have a affiliate influencer program if you want to make some money by referring customers to them. They also have a CBD dropshipping program.

CBD Magic is certainly another website to check out if you are looking for where to buy CBD products in Canada.

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